Welcome to the blog or as I like to call it “The Adventure Journal”! My hope and prayer for this journal is to capture stories to share that inspire everyone! Stories from my tribe, my personal journey through life, and my travel adventures! Now you may be thinking two things 1. What is your tribe? and 2. Why the adventure theme? and if your not thinking that your about to find out either way. š
MACs Tribe!
MACs Tribe is the name I decided to give each and every person who trusts me to capture their story! As you book a session you not only get a photographer but a community! I LOVE when I get clients to continue to let me tell their stories as they go through life! MACs Tribe is the way I stay connected and let them be the first to know what is going on with MAC Photography, but my dream is that it grows into a community that is full of love and encouragement! A community that is your biggest cheerleader through life! The most fun part of this community is that I created a hashtag to go along with the group its #MACsTRIBE. My hope is as my business grows so does this hashtag so that in years to come I can look back and reminisce on every story I capture!
In 2017 I decided to RUN with this theme of adventure and speak it over my life, so much so I have it tattooed on my arm(see picture below)! The definition of adventure is an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. This is exactly how I would describe a relationship with Jesus! It’s unusual, unlike ANYTHING we have ever experienced! It is a fun and thrilling experience at times! It is also a different outlook on life! Sometimes that outlook may be fun and exciting BUT sometimes it may look hazardous and you start to see those red flags come up! You know what I am talking about its to “ummm….. Jesus, did you really just ask me to do that?” moments. Those “are you sure you don’t want to ask someone else that’s more qualified?” yeah THOSE moments! In those moments all, you want to do is run or walk away instead of jumping at the chance to do something that Jesus choose YOU for.

I made the choice then that I wanted to JUMP at every chance to do something that would glorify Jesus! So I decided to look at every opportunity He gave me as an adventure that I would say YES to! Since then I have said yes to so many opportunities that Jesus constantly kept showing up and showing me His plan for my life! In 2018 I got to go on a mission trip to Africa that was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to see how AMAZING God is and his heart for everyone! That same year I got accepted into my DREAM college, the University of Georgia! While being at UGA God blessed me with the chance to go on a study abroad to Scotland and teach in another country, meet so many new people, some that have become my best friends, and meet the love of my life! 2018 was also the year MAC photography was born, that was another BIG YES adventure! Since then I have had the privilege to tell so many people’s stories and I cant wait to see how God uses me to serve others through the talent He has given me!

So I am thankful that in 2017 Jesus gave me a heart of Adventure! If you cannot tell it has definitely grown and continues to grow! As it grows I hope this Adventure Journal becomes something that is exciting to share with the world. As life goes on and I continue to capture people’s stories my prayer is that I not only share my personal stories with you but also inspiring stories of MACs Tribe as well!
Life is an Adventure and it is far from being over!
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